Ima­gi­ne you are a wri­ter and some­bo­dy asks you for an inter­view — but you have abso­lut­e­ly no idea what to ans­wer.

For his book Bot: Gespräch ohne Autor* (Bot: con­ver­sa­ti­on wit­hout wri­ter), Cle­mens Setz, one of the most out­stan­ding Aus­tri­an wri­ters of the pre­sent, offe­red his com­pu­ter-stored jour­nals to crea­te ans­wers. In the mean­ti­me, he sat back in a cosy chair and read poems on Twit­ter. Or may­be he work­ed on one of his short sto­ries. At least that is what we are ought to think. Whe­ther the sur­re­al ans­wers real­ly were made up by an algo­rith­mic sys­tem or by the wri­ter hims­elf will remain a mys­tery. What we know for sure: arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence exists. Not only do we talk to cyborgs on the pho­ne more and more often (some­ti­mes wit­hout even noti­cing it), we also ask our “per­so­nal assistant” to tell us the cur­rent par­king situa­ti­on, the wea­ther fore­cast or our upco­ming appoint­ments. And Siri (or wha­te­ver our nice assistant is cal­led) feeds us with infor­ma­ti­on. We do not even have to ask her (or him or it), we just have to com­mand. Siri does not under­stand the com­pli­ca­ted sub­junc­ti­ve ( or: con­di­tio­nal?) con­s­truc­tions, that have always been typi­cal for us Aus­tri­ans. (Could you plea­se be so kind and check, if… Ex-cuse-me-I-can-not-un-der-stand… O, come on, SIRI, SHUT UP!)

But let us get back to lite­ra­tu­re. At the moment Siri only knows that some wri­ters missed their pla­ne or did not find the way to the hotel. Others ate too much cho­co­la­te or con­su­med even har­der drugs befo­re the rea­ding. But what if Siri was not satis­fied by just kno­wing ever­y­thing? What if she wan­ted to take over? Don’t for­get, a rela­ti­ve of Siri has alre­a­dy writ­ten a sequel chap­ter of Har­ry Pot­ter! So who knows, may­be in some years, peo­p­le will be able to buy bedti­me sto­ry­ge­nera­tors for their child­ren.

Alre­a­dy ten years ago, poet­ry gene­ra­tors and online trans­la­tors influen­ced the expe­ri­men­tal lite­ra­tu­re sce­ne. An acquain­tance of mine pro­grammed his own Wes­tern title gene­ra­tor back then, other poets trans­la­ted their texts into a for­eign lan­guage and then back into Ger­man to per­form the out­put. Arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence is some­thing many artists like to play with. But we do not only play. Some poems have alre­a­dy pas­sed the Turing test.


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