
Mar­ga­ri­ta Kinst­ner is an Aus­tri­an wri­ter, who was born in 1976 in Vien­na and now lives in Graz. She was award­ed with the Theo­dor Kör­ner Pri­ze for Lite­ra­tu­re and the Sty­ri­an award for youth lite­ra­tu­re. Bes­i­des her 3 novels, she has writ­ten a theat­re play (pre­mie­re 2014) and an audio­book with poems and songs for child­ren. (2019).


Mit­tel­stadt­rau­schen (Down­town Sta­tic)

A remar­kab­le debut of a distinc­ti­ve lite­ra­ry talent: Mar­ga­ri­ta Kinst­ner wri­tes about loneli­ne­ss, year­ning and love in Vien­na, “the city of the soul”.  
Unner­ved by the naked fle­sh of a breast-fee­ding mother, Marie reels through the café, spills her cof­fee and stumbles into Jakob – trig­ge­ring a who­le series of sto­ries. 
Jakob falls in love with Marie and splits up with his girl­fri­end Son­ja, who in turn soon gets tog­e­ther with Gery. She has no idea that Gery was Joe’s best fri­end – Joe, who used to live with Marie until he took his life with a spec­ta­cu­lar swan-dive into the Danu­be. Then a mys­te­rious last will turns up with pre­cise sti­pu­la­ti­ons: it is to be read out in the pre­sence of Gery and Marie in the Pra­ter fair­ground, fol­lo­wing an intri­ca­te­ly cho­reo­gra­phed rou­ti­ne. 
Mar­ga­ri­ta Kinstner’s sto­ries unfold in lay­ers, one unf­ur­ling into the next, the cha­rac­ters brim­ming with year­ning and greed, despe­ra­ti­on or sheer apa­thy. A ron­do with desti­ny, pro­pel­led by shat­te­red dreams and lost hopes, set in a city whe­re beau­ty and the chasms of the psy­che live side by side – with Death wat­ching the dancers from the wings…

(>web­site Han­ser Lite­ra­tur­ver­la­ge)

The book has not been trans­la­ted into the Eng­lish lan­guage, but chap­ter 1 has been trans­la­ted for the Fes­ti­val of the Euro­pean debut novel in 2013.

Die Schmet­ter­lings­fän­ge­rin (The But­ter­fly Cat­cher)

Fol­lo­wing the resound­ing suc­cess of her debut Mit­tel­stadt­rau­schen, Mar­ga­ri­ta Kinstner’s new novel explo­res the the­me of stay­ing put or lea­ving, of the cou­ra­ge it takes to start life afresh and the ques­ti­on of what might have been, if only …
Kat­ja will be joi­ning her part­ner Dani­jel in Bos­nia in a few weeks’ time. She is expec­ting his child, and his decis­i­on to accept a posi­ti­on at the local hos­pi­tal in Sara­je­vo hasn’t left her much choice. Her bags are alre­a­dy packed and the date for the move has been arran­ged. Kat­ja has a few days left, so she goes back to the val­ley whe­re she grew up to revi­sit the land­scape of her child­hood …
The tales her gre­at aunt The­re­se told her – sto­ries she lis­ten­ed to with rapt atten­ti­on — left so many ques­ti­ons unans­we­red. Why did Katja’s gre­at-grand­fa­ther lea­ve Bos­nia for Aus­tria? What would have hap­pen­ed if her grand­mo­ther had plu­cked up the cou­ra­ge to fol­low the love of her life to Switz­er­land? Kat­ja gets more and more invol­ved in the histo­ry of her fami­ly – and beg­ins to under­stand that home is a place in our heart.
Dre­a­ming is one thing; living your dreams is ano­ther mat­ter …

(>web­site Han­ser Lite­ra­tur­ver­la­ge)

Papa­ver­weg 6 (Pop­py Lane 6)

​Why is the baby in top 10 crying so much? What’s wrong with the fami­ly in top 9? Why does the Egyp­ti­an neigh­bour in top 2 need a wal­king frame? And what about Ali­ce, the young blog­ger in  Top 4, and her neigh­bour Peter? 

Oskar, the old man across the street, is obser­ving ever­y­thing meti­cu­lous­ly. Day by day he wat­ches his neigh­bours — and the old red beech bes­i­de the house that keeps a dark secret.